How to avoid dry Lips?

Are you searching for that how to prevent from Dry Lips? Trouncing of moisture in the skin of lips causes dry chapped lips. It happens due to exposure to sun, cold and dry weather, repeated licking, nutritional deficiency and hormonal imbalances.

Dry Lips are dehydration, allergies, breathing through your mouth, toothpaste, citrus fruits, too much of vitamin A in your body, licking your lips oftenly. Certain prescription medications like Accutane, propranolol or prochlorperazine can cause the chapped lips. If you not drink enough water your lips become chapped. Let me give some steps to prevent from Dry Lips.

Steps to prevent from Dry Lips

1. Use lip cream such as Chapstick to promote curing and prevention from chapped or dry lips. This is almost very important in the procedure of moisturizing your lips.

2. Hydrate your body by drinking large amount of water. Dehydration can cause dryness of lips. Take large amount of drinking water during winter season to keep your lips looking fresh.

3. If despite of water intake your lips look dehydrated, then apply cool wet cloth to hydrate your lips.
4. Apply lip balm on your lip for every hour to treat dry lips and keep your lips healthy. Use balm with SPF at least 16 times to save your lips from sun harm.

5. Don’t lip your lips repeatedly because it will cause dry lips. Licking lips doesn’t moisturize your lips.

6. Use a soft toothbrush to softly polish your lips to remove the place of dead cells it will cause more drying and flaking your lips.

7. To prevent your lips from chapping, you can use creamy lipsticks it will act like balms.

8. You can use ordinary Vaseline to prevent you from dry lips. If you applied Vaseline before venturing into the sun, it can prevent sun blisters.

9.  Use Lip balms like Chap Stick oil on your lips but it do not hydrate your lips.

10. Use emu butter, Vitamin E oil on your lips to introduce moisture to prevent from dry lips.

11. You must wash your face after eating or drinking and then apply lip balm on your lip.
12. Petroleum or beeswax lip balm can be applied on your lips to form a protectant layer it keeps moisture on your lips.
13. Honey is one of the natural humectants which allow your skin of lips to maintain moisture. It is also a great antioxidant to keep your lips from drying out.
14. Stir the cream of milk with little drops of rose water and limejuice. It will exfoliate your dead skin cells and moisturize the dryness of your chapped lips.
15. Mix vegetable glycerin with vitamin E to promote moisture on your lips and create an obstacle against the environment.
16. You can use a humidifier in your house to maintain cold air during the winter season. It can also provide moisture on your lips to prevent from dry lips.
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