Top 10 developed countries in the world

Do you know top 10 developed countries in the world? Here I have given some information about top 10 developed countries in the world. A country is said to be developed based on population, standard of living, education, economy, resources, literacy, corruption, employment, poverty, life expectancy and quality of life etc. In the world, less populated country is well developed because it has plenty of resources and more populated country is still developing because it has lack of resources.
A countries development does not depend only on population but also on their resources and economy. The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) developed a scale which is known as Human Development Index (HDI) through which the development of a nation is measured. Based on the result produced by this HDI scale the country grade is classified as Very High Developed country, High Developed country, Medium Developed country, Low Developed country. Read the article to know much about the top 10 developed countries in the world.

1.       Norway
Norway is the most developed country among all the other countries in the world. Norway has major resources like petroleum, oil, minerals, natural gas, precious stone, seafood, metallic ores, banking, Foods & Beverages. The life expectancy is more than 80 years and the employment opportunities are well furnished. Norway is well economized which can help other countries like United States. It is recognized for its literacy level, education system, health care, employment. The Human Development Index (HDI) of Norway is 0.95 and rank number 1 for past 10 years.

2.       Australia
Australia is a country which has less poverty, low corruption and high literacy level. Australia is a wonderful place to visit, particularly Sydney in which Olympic Games are conducted. Australia has plenty of resources which can help other countries. It has high per capital income when we compare all other countries. The education level is very good and most of the people in Australia are literates. The Human Development Index (HDI) of Australia is 0.92

3.       Netherland
Netherland is also known as Holland has very high literacy rate and employment with more corruption and poverty. Netherland has five international courts so it shows that the country Netherland is highly legal in nature. The life expectancy of Netherland is 79. The people in Netherland have been seems to be the happiest people because of low tax. The government of Netherland first listens to the welfare of the people. The countries economy mainly depends on trade and banking. The Human Development Index (HDI) of Netherland is 0.92

4.       United States of America
The United States of America is well economized country in which the import and export of goods such as oil, sea foods, minerals with other countries. The per capital income of the United States is more when compared with other countries except Australia. The life expectancy of United States is 79 years. The obesity level of America is very high when compared with other countries so that the life expectancy is lowered. The Human Development Index (HDI) of America is 0.91.

5.       Germany
Germany is a country which is having the largest population among all the other countries. In this country, more than 95% of the people are literates. It has low poverty level and low corruption rate. The economic range is improved by the export of cars. It has so many beautiful tourist places. The educational status and employment status are so good which is more than 98%. The Human Development Index (HDI) of Germany is 0.909

6.       New Zealand
New Zealand is an island having the life expectancy of 80 years. The resources available in New Zealand are gold, timber, minerals, etc. The population density is less than other countries but the grade of people life is very good. The people in New Zealand have been reported their happiness. It has wonderful tourist locations such as landscapes and sea. The Human Development Index (HDI) is 0.908

7.       Ireland
The major reason for the development of Ireland is population. The density of population is 5 million people which are very less than other countries. The education and employment opportunities are well organized. It has very good construction and infrastructure. The life expectancy of Ireland is 78 years. The Human Development Index (HDI) is 0.907

8.       Sweden
The development of Sweden is based on its environment. The infrastructure of this country Sweden is very good so that lakes of people are visiting this place every year. It acts as a border between Norway and Finland. The trade and export helps this country to improve its ranking. The life expectancy of Sweden is 76 years. The Human Development Index (HDI) is 0.904.

9.       Canada
Canada is the longest international border in the world with the United States and it is the largest country next to Russia. The literacy rate is high and it has very large population density. Canada is known for its health care and service. The Human Development Index (HDI) is 0.903. The life expectancy is 80.7 years.

10.   Japan
Japan is a most popular developed country in the world. Japan has resources like Hydro electric power, Industrial Robotics, Chemical industry, Automobile and Machinery industries. Japan import and export of cars and robots will improve the country’s economy. The literacy rate of Japan is less when compared with other countries. The Human Development Index (HDI) is 0.902
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