Best Ideas, ways to attract a girl

Now here is a small introduction that how to attract a girl and it is a most important thing over many boys for years. A boy can attract a girl in many ways and many got succeeded and some got failure but a one thing to be kept in mind is about not to cheat a girl which is not ever liked by the girls and there are many interesting things that are available to attract girls. When you go to schools, Shopping, Sports events, concerts and so on do you see girls whom you like to know better? These are some of the useful steps that are much interesting to attract a girl which is not very hard guys.
Steps to be followed

There are 10 steps included in it to admire and make a girl of your choice and follow these steps if you are a kind of hard and tough guys because girls usually don’t like tough guys have a smile in your face and make some jokes and always show you that you are very cool enough that is the first thing girls notice. Let us enter into the Steps.
Try not to stutter when you are talking, talk confidently.


Make sure your smile should be nice almost if everyone smiles it will be good only in some cases that is not good that’s why it gets an important role in attracting a girl. If you look at a girl or catch her eyes.

Don’t Act Fake

Please note that you should be congruent to your image don’t act as fake and it will irritate even a boy, If it comes to girls they won’t stay important thing in attracting a girl please be yourself don’t act fake.

Look at Her

If you ignore a girl you like, she will think that you are not attracted to her and that you are not man enough to face her hence she will move on. If you look at a girl and she catches you don’t hesitate go and talk to her .If you dint within few seconds, it will come off as creepy .But if you do, it will seem spontaneous and fun filled for the next visit. Remember always to have a smile in your face.

Listen to Her
Conversations are the most important between girls and boys it is a two way street and find commonalities this way and it will be more helpful. Not about favorite thing, common goals, and is logical that humans only talk to people who listen to us this will make interest to talk to you.

Dress Nice
Girls take a great look at guys dressing; they select only those who are outstanding in dressing which is because they like guys who are simply presentable in the way of dressing.

Smell Good
Shower daily or every other day, use deodorants, brush your teeth, perhaps use some cologne but don’t overdo it. She will most likely attach to the scent which boys use, and remember for it.

Tease Her
Depending on how attractive she is she have some experience with guys and when boys starts conversation act light and fun making guys which will be very smoothly and pretend that girl that the guy is sweet and fun lover and it is plus point in for guys and move over it, say things in smile and don’t be serious if nothing is serious and tease now and then girls like it.

·         Ask her the interests in a unique and not in a common way used. But don’t just ask questions.
   Don’t Buy Girls drinks or anything else when first meeting he which shows neediness that you must not have girls in your life. On the Contrary get her to be good enough and act smart?
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