Top 10 corruption countries in the world 2013 - 2014

Do you want to know about Top 10 corruption countries in the world? Here I have given some information about Top 10 corruption countries in the world. Corruption is an activity of earning money for personal profit by illegal use of influence. Corruption is an obstacle which has now become a common activity it will affects the countries growth and development. The fact is, developing countries have more corruption cases when compared with well developed countries.

In these days, corruption also called bribery is out of control. The main reasons for corruption are politics, lack of resources, Inactive law, terrorism and people. Politics play a very important role in corruption and politicians are responsible for the increase of corruption. Resources are not enough in many countries to face the daily necessary needs. The people are subjected to pay bribe to their superiors to complete any work. People are unaware that it is the duty of the superior to complete the work without bribe. But most of the people are thinking only to complete their work and they are not caring about the country. I hope at the end of this article you must fight against corruption and you can make your country as a corruption free place.

Top 10 corruption countries

1.       SomaliaYou may hear about this country Somalia which remains us the buccaneer of ships. Somalia ranks number 1 for the corruption too. The pirates who are the sailors of Somalia ships can attack and steal properties and valuable things from other ships. When they were caught they can pay bribe and get released. The corruption rate is higher in Somalia because there is lack of resources. The pirates loot things to help the expatriates.

2.       KoreaThe country Korea is divided into two countries they are Democratic People's Republic of Korea which is a single party north Korean state ruled by  Kim Il-sung Juche and  Republic of Korea which is a multi party south Korean state ruled by Group of twenty and organization of Economic co-operation and development. In North Korea, illegal drugs, illegal weapons, fake bills and forged documents are solded under the vision of Kim Il-sung which makes more money from other parts of the country. The people in Korea are forced by the government to pay bribes to get permission even to stay in their own home town. The government of South Korea fails to give wealth to their own nation and people so there is lack of countries growth.

3.       MyanmarMyanmar is a developing corruption country. Burma is the Republic of the union of Myanmar. Burma is rich in minerals, oil, natural gas and valuable stones. Corruption in Burma is carried out by plundering the natural resources, timber and other minerals by the government officials. The corruption is increasing day by day so the power of this country is degrading every day.

4.       AfghanistanAfghanistan has very less literates when compared with its neighboring country Pakistan. It has several rich minerals such as uranium, iron, copper, gold, zinc, lead, marble, rare earth minerals, precious stones like granite and petroleum. The United State of America will be forcefully selecting peoples next year by leaving some people under the government of Afghanistan which shows no interest to control the corruption. But the government of Afghanistan fails to grow the nation in the presence of United States attack.

5.       UzbekistanUzbekistan is continued to exist for more than 70 years under the control of soviet rule. Most of the people are shifted to other countries in order to save their life. The government of Uzbekistan fails to give accommodation to the citizen. The peoples are elected based on the bribes and corruption.

6.       TurkmenistanTurkmenistan is a popular country for corruption. The Turkmenistan is not only has increased corruption rate but also the high crime rate. It is also under the Soviet Union. Turkmenistan has plenty of Petroleum, natural gas, minerals and precious stones which are used as bribes.

7.       SudanSudan is also popular for wars, high crimes and corruption. The natural resource and petroleum are famous in Sudan and they are used as bribes. The government of Sudan has improved money making skills by selling petroleum to other states but it do not give the money for the welfare of people.

8.       IraqIraq is ruled by terrorists. The people in Iraq are not satisfied with the government which is not willing to provide resources like water, electricity and land for poor and other resources. The terrorists are responsible for corruption

9.       HaitiHaiti Island was subjected to an earth quake in 2010. The death rate increased into 1/4th of the total population. The huge number of death is due to the illegal construction of building and corruption to build large buildings and earlier earth quakes. Jean Jacques Dessalines, who was the emperor of Haiti in 1804 was shot and cut into pieces by the people. This was due to the uncontrolled corruption action by the emperor.

10.   Venezuela

Venezuela is under the control of American government is popular for its corruption and high crime rates. The corruption is increased few years before due to the politicians.

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