How to improve memory power and concentration?

Are you searching for tips to improve your memory power and concentration? Here I have given some tips to improve your memory power and concentration. Improving memory is very necessary to do our day to day work because then only we can do all work with intelligently and meaningfully. 

Memory power is just like a lock and concentrationis like a key. So you can stimulate your memory power by using the concentration. Each and every human being except mentally disabled people’s having memory power but they are not interested to use that. We can do all success works daily when we are doing with concentration. Memory power is defined as capacity of our brain to store things. Concentration is defined as sticking to a single object or action. The health of our brain depends on memory power and concentration.

Important tips to improve memory power and concentration
1.       Memory power and concentrationcan be improved by performing meditation and exercise. Average sleeping time for human being is from 6 to 8 hours a day is necessary for our memory consolidation. Peace in mind also improves concentration level and memory power.  
  1. Nutritional foods rich in vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, etc., it is very useful for increasing our memory power. If you eat your food in proper time means it will helps to our brain to stay in active state. Consumption of rich source omega-3 particularly in fishes such as salmon, tuna and sardines are good for memory development. Other foods such as nuts, beans, vegetables, fruits and dark green leaves also helps us to improve memory power. Avoid eating fat products such as meat, butter, oily foods.
  2. Mind calculation practices and games such as numbering in reverse order, oral test, chess, and carom are very useful to improve memory power and concentration.
  3. Allow your mind to be relaxed before any work. It will automatically increase concentration while you are in work.
  4. Mind should be kept free when you are in any depression or in any tension by doing meditation or by making fun or by reading any books.
  5. Concentration while learning can be improved by using a technique called relative learning. Relative learning is nothing but comparing things with our day to day life.
  6. We all know a proverb “practice makes perfect”. This proverb explains when we want to be perfect then we want to practice everything repeatedly. So practicing improves our knowledge and it also improves memory power and concentration.
  7. Pay attention while learning lessons or listening to anyone’s speech will improve our knowledge. When you learn something you can remember it. While learning, understanding the concept is the main factor which improves memory power and concentration.
  8. When we start to think about anything our brain then it will recollect all the things stored in our mind. Our brain does not remove any information instead, it keep all the information in a particular location. We can recollect all the information when we are in peace.
  9. Time separation is one of a best method which will train our brain to work in stress. Creativity helps us to think more and it also helps us to improve our knowledge.
  10. During examination, most of the students are getting stress and fear. So there is a possibility to loss a concentration and memory power. In that time, students should take a break for few minutes which will help them to reduce their fear and their memory power increases.
  11. According to Veda, our concentration power decreases at 12 o’ clock from the afternoon and it increases at 12 o’ clock from the midnight. The fact is best learning time for students is from 2 a.m. in the morning to 10 a.m.
  12. In these days, there are so many health drinks are available in the market which is used to improve your body health as well as memory power and concentration.
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