Human Brain is most powerful source in the world. Because human is invented Computer, but we are thinking computer is faster than human brain but it is not true. We invented computer, so surely we can say our human brain is faster than computer. But one problem is that we need to improve our brain power and we need to know our real brain power, then only we can achieve in this world. Here, I will suggest you some basic tips and idea for improve your brain power. Keep following these basic tips to improve your brain power.
Do you need to improve your brain power ? Let us follow below tips for increase and expand and improve your extream brain power.

Increase your Brain Power by Solve Puzzles, Play Games
The Sudoku is one of the best puzzle game for increase your brain power which can help to realize your real brain activities. Do you have more free times in your home? Try to use your free times for finding solution for difficult crossword sets; surely it will give good benefit for activities in your brain cells and real action. Video games are improve your concentrate power, because whenever children playing games, it will make focus on one thing, so it will improve your brain power. Doctors are also suggesting these game ideas for everyone.
Increase Brain Power by Good Quality Food
Ladies finger is one of the good food for improve your brain power. Don’t eat oily food and unquality food which can make a lack of knowledge. Fish is really exact food for increase your real brain power. Do you some more food example, please search food tips in and get food tips for increase your brain power.
Increase your Brain power by Meditation
Meditation is perfect practice and exercise for increase your brain power. Do the mediation in daily and routine way. If you cannot concentrate in one thing, the mediation can make a perfect concentration power for you. And also, mediation will help to get good memory power as well as brain power.
Increase Your Brain Power by Imagination
Fill your thoughts with positive imagination. For example, if you are contributing in any completion, fill your thoughts with positive imagination, and then you will be winner of that competition. Please don’t thing about failure imagination in that completion. Thing, all is well. Your Positive imagination will help you too get good memory and brain power.
Increase Your Brain Power by Proper Sleep
First of all, good sleep and health body condition is essential for improve your brain power. If you are sleep on night 11p.m then you should wake up at 5a.m, suppose if you slept then you should wake up on 4 a.m. So, sleep on correct time and wake up on proper time. You should keep this time schedule for increase your brain power as well as memory power. These proper sleeps will give you good body and health condition. If you not sleep well then your memory power will decrease and also your mind always in confusion stage, you cannot focus anything whenever important situation came.
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