List of famous online Dictionaries to help to speak in English language with explanation

List of famous online Dictionaries to help to speak in English language

I am going to explain about some online dictionaries which will help to develop English knowledge for us. These type of online website dictionaries provide good information and knowledge compare to normal type of dictionaries and also we can use it very comfort and easy and learn lots of good English information. Many more online dictionaries are help to explain some particular topic with large information. Just consider any medical or cook related dictionaries that will help to learn some medical term and if it is related to kitchen related dictionaries then that will help to learn kitchen components name.
I am happy to share with you some famous online dictionaries which is available in online. If you are engineer, medical field, mechanical field, computer field then you can get all english terms name related to your field by these type of dictionaries.
These dictionaries are very useful for all students as well as normal peoples for understanding some meaningful sentence with good pronunciation. If you don't have any physical dictionary with you then don't worry these type of online dictionaries will help you.
Merriam-Webster Online Dictionaries
The Merriam-Webster is one of the famous online service in the world, they provides excellent offer for learning english, for example they giving following services for students such as free online dictionary, thesaurus, audio pronunciations, Word of the Day, word games, and other English language resources. Online Dictionaries
The also one of the type of online dictionaries who provide excellent English terms information for you. This online website help to learn lots of english words which provide as a  free online English dictionary, thesaurus and reference guide, crossword puzzles and other word games, online translator and Word of the Day.
American Heritage Dictionary
This online dictionary having many more some special freatures such as 10,000 new words and senses, 70,000 audio word pronunciations, 900 full-page color illustrations, language notes and word-root appendixes.
This website service is best arts reference tool and comprehensive search engine for words which comes with some advance and special features such as functions of a rhyming dictionary, thesaurus, and spelling checker, and also it has help to many way learning for example integrated full-text search engine, that is for complete Shakespeare's works and thousands of quotations and poems."
On-Line Medical Dictionary
OMD is one of the type of medical dictionaries which was wrote by by Dr. Graham Dark. This will help to learn all english medical terms   such as biochemistry, cell biology, chemistry, medicine, molecular biology, physics, plant biology, radiobiology, science and technology.
It also explaining some other terms such as acronyms, jargon, theory, conventions, standards, institutions, projects, eponyms, history. We can do anything by using medical field so learn and make one history in the world.
MedTerms Medical Dictionary
This also one of the type of medical reference dictionaries that is called as, It is help to in easy manner with i10,000 medical terms. This dictionary has designed with good manner which will help to learn spell medical definitions in the order of alphabetical listing.
ArtLex Art Dictionary
This dictionary help to learn 3,500 terms which is related to following fields such as visual culture, this dictionary speciality is that it give you details with excellent and supporting images, pronunciation notes, great quotations and cross-references.
This is one of the search engine related dictionary which will help to learn computer and Internet technology definitions.
Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures
These type of dictionary will help to learn some algorithms, and data stucture English terms. You can easily learn some many more terms with this dictionary.
Biographical DictionaryThis dictionary help to learn some biological terms over than 28 lac words, speciality is that explaining in different and easy mannar.
Friends If you do not satisfy with these dictionaries then comment here I will suggest you many more dictionary for you.

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