Top, best, easy tips to impress a girl, women

In these days, In these days, boys wants to impress a girl but they are getting failure whenever taking more efforts to impress a girl. Because, all girls are having different character and feelings. So, if you want to impress a girls you must understand her and then try some tricks. Let me give some few tips to impress a girls.

How to impress a girl?
It is very easy to impress a girl, but you just need to do some tricks to impress her. Just follow the below tips which will help to impress a girl with easy method.

Impress a girl by using personality
Be funny person: Most of girls are loving funny boys. For example, if any guys are saying many jokes to her means she will like that guy. Fun is very easy trick to make  her fall in love with you. You just learn some jokes and used to say jokes with your friends. But, don's say any silly jokes with your friends. so, girls are loving funny guys than serious guys.

Be playful Person:  If you are became playful person, then girls will like you. Based on research, girls are loving only playful person than serious person. Girls will get some attraction when you are became playful person.  Playful character express a youthfulness and funny character. So, try to play with your girl friend whenever she is in sad.

Be interesting Person:  Another trick is that became a interesting person. Girls are loving some different and interesting person. Try to do something different when you are in problem, then she will get impress with you. Do something different than others, show your involvement in some different kind of field. Then you can see love in her eyes. Girls are not loving normal person who is simply sitting in home and playing video games.

Be mysterious person to impress a girl: She will get more excitement when you became mysterious person. It just like a puzzle, if you became like a puzzle she will get more interest to solve you. So, try to make some different and more interesting in something, then she get interest to know more about that mysterious thing and automatically she will get attraction and research about you.

Be a smart person: First of all, search your smartness in you. Girls are mostly likes smart persons. You don't need to became Einstein and all for impress a girl, you just need to became smart person, different character than others. For example, you may be smart in subject, sports, car racing, American History, Indian history or some other fields. Express your smart character when she came around you, don't hide your talents.

Be polite Person: Don't get angry for everything. Instead of getting angry you can be a polite person even-though you are having many talent  Don't proud yourself and don't try to show your full talent for impress her. Being polite means, how you are giving respect to others? How others are treating you? that is matter. Say "Thank you", "Thanks", "Welcome", and some more required wishes whenever need.

Be Charming to impress a girl
Switch on your charm when girls are with you, don't try to attract her always. Then she will get boring and leave from you. If you are good person that is enough to attract her, automatically she will get some kind of attraction with you. Don't try some useless things for attract her.
Try to take with her some interesting things instead of talking about bore things. For example, if you talk about books, subjects, science, culture or any useful things then she will get boring and she won't like you. So, try to talk about some interesting things whatever she likes in her life. It will make opportunity to make her fall in love with you. If you get chance to talk with your girl, ask some interesting questions and then just listen her, that is enough.

Common questions to ask a gril for impress her
"Who is favorite person?"
 "Where did you grow up?"
"What do you want to do when you grow up?"
 "What do your parents do for a living?"
"Do you have any siblings?"
"What you like to most in the world?"
 "Do you have any brothers or sisters?"
 or "Have you traveled anywhere interesting,"

Trick to impress her by compliment about her
Compliment is nothing about, explaining and proud about her beauty and talk about her tallent. But don't do always compliment about her, because she will find you that you are trying to impress her. So, try to do nice compliment about her whenever she feel sad.  This trick will surely help you for impress her, because she will remember about you and yours compliment if you ask any nice compliment about her.

Are you confident person? Then you can try compliment about her looks, like "Your eyes are a very beautiful, " You are eyes are very pretty" , "Your eyes are color green," or "Your hairstyle is super", "Your hair style is  really pretty." Are you getting nervous about complimenting her?,  then say something like "I really like your talent , "I really like your boldness" , I like your character that how you stick up for people," or "You're really talent; where did you learn all of that?".

Impress a girl by your out look, appearance
First of all, you should be clean, your body smell should be good then only she likes you. If your looks always sweating and with a bad smell, no one will like you.  Most of boys are getting failure to impress a girls because of appearance  So, neatness and outlook is very import to impress a girl. Take a bath daily, for example are you sports man or doctor? Then take a bath whenever need. Best way is that take a bath at morning and evening times. Use Shampoo for your hair at-least 4 or 3 times per a week. If you became very clean, neat and natural, girls will get more attraction and feeling comfortable with you, then only your love will hug you always.
You need to wash your face whenever you are in sweating and dirty.  Better you can wash your face at morning and night times. is your face has acne or pimples? Then you looks like old person?  So, in this case you must take any treatment for change your face a handsome. I don't want to give a beauty tips for you, because if i give any suggestion it may leads some wrong thing in your face, so better you can consult any skin care doctor.

Impress a girl by style
If you wear any high and costly dress then she will get attraction on you. Don't have money to buy costly dress? Don't worry, you can buy any cheap and neat dress to impress her. Style is not about wearing costly dress, its just about how you looking like. Neat dress is best style for impress her. For example if your dress having many holes and looks very dirty then she will feel uncomfortable with you. But, if your dress is very neat means she looks you daily. If you don't have money to buy very neat and high dress then leave it, change your attitude and personality, it is one kind of style to attract a girl. Don't wear dresses like buffoon or going for fancy competition  then she will make distance for you. Instead of fancy dress, you can wear simple and neat dress. It is enough for impressing her.

Be friendly and make friends with everyone
Try to get more friends, because friends will support you for impress her. For example, if you are college students, try to get more friends in her class too, Then they will support you and help to you for impress her and make her fall in love with you. If you having many friends means everyone will give important to you, respect you. It will induce some attraction on you. So, automatically she will get more impression and love on you.

First impression is best impression to impress her
Do you want to impress any particular girl? Then first trick is that first impression. If you impress her using some different way in first time, then she won't forget you any time. So, research about her and do something different when you are meeting her at first time. Then, she will get more attraction and respect about. First impression will generate love in her mind. So, don't do some silly things when you meet her at first time. Be calm, polite and neat when she come near to you. Your smell should be good, don't look fully sweating and all.

Impress a girl by accepting her decision when she says true
Please, try to accept her whatever she says, because she will get irritation when you won't accept her decision. So, if she explains something and saying some important things, just accept it and encourage her. If you encourage her decision then she will get more impression on you. So, try to help her and accept her decision and her thoughts. Then, she will fell comfortable with you and will share her personnel things and problems with you.

Give Respect to her feelings
If she says anything , you must give importance and respect to her. For example, if she suddenly talking about some science or subject related matters, then just encourage her and give respect to her feelings, thoughts and knowledge. If you do like that, she will get more interest on you. So, try to understand her feelings, give some suggestion and ideas to improve her knowledge. Don't insult her feelings and thoughts.
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