Top 10 Tips for Controlling our hair fall, simple steps to controlling hair fall

Top 10 Tips for Controlling our hair fall, simple steps to controlling hair fall

1. Control hair fall by Hot oil massage

We cannot control the hair fall by simply washing our hair and conditioning it will not help to stop the hair wall. I have seen most of peoples, especially some other country peoples combing their hair with the comb in different directions,  this is better idea for stimulating blood flow in our body but this trick is not help to control the hair fall. So Hot oil massage will give you solution for control your hair fall.

The Hot oil massage surely help to grow or stimulate the hair follicles and hair growth. You have find some best oils which are help to get good hair growth  and get a relaxing by essence of the massage.

2. Control the hair fall by Avoiding stress 

Stress is one of the main and important reason to getting hair fall during younger age or starting facing heavy hair fall. We can easily control the hair fall when we release our stress from hard problem or any front. Just create some time for relaxing, for example during oil massage create some relax feeling with you. Don't kill yourself by headache or stressing your head, so create some relax with you.

3. Control the hair fall by healthy food or healthy diet

Talking healthy food or healthy diet will be help to avoiding hair fall. Most of peoples being healthy because they eating healthy foods like seafood and protein thats why they having lustrous hair and also having bright or glowing skin.  If you not eat good and healthy food that will lead to get hair fall, so lack of nutrition will be create by unhealthy food.

4. Control hair fall by Use natural herbs

Amla powder, tea tree oil, yogurt,  Did you using this things ?  choosing good and natural herbs is very important for stopping hair falls, so if we use some good natural herbs that will leads to health hair and body. so try to use some good herbs like tea tree oil to remove bacteria from the scalp.

5. Control hair fall by Hydrate your body

Water is one of the important one for hydrating our body.  Try to drink a lot of water then it will help to get complete health body with health hair. Wetting hair by water is not matter, drinking water is here solution for controlling our hair fall which will help to  Hydrates the body from inside itself, so try to understand what I am explaining here.

6. Control hair fall by Avoid hot water head baths

If you daily bathing by hot water then your hair follicles break and also strips the scalp of natural oils.  So try to wash your hair with warm water and then end with cold water to close the pores. Can you understand what will made by hot water washing, that Hot water will breaks down the hair and enforces hair fall affecting baldness when you wash or bath by hot water. Most of peoples don't know these things.

7. Control hair fall by ignoring harmful chemicals

Dont use the following activities in your hair such as Streaking, coloring, permanent serums, extensive exposure to chemicals or treatments like straightening or rebonding break down hair so rapidly; Please don't use harmful chemical in your hair that will make a hair fall suddenly in your body.

8. Handle your hair with patient

Please dont comb your hair with roughly then that will leads to hair fall. So make sure comb your hair with smooth and proper manner. Try to use some health oils also with your hair during comb your hair.

9. Control hair fall with Regular trims

Regular trim is very important factor here, because if you have lots of hair in your head then that will lead to attack some problem on your hair. So try to trim your hair whenever you are having lots of hair.

10. Control Hair fall by Hair products

Choosing hair products is one of the very difficult steps. But you can choose best hair product by consulting with doctor. Don't use hair products without consulting doctor, because it may not suits for you. Use some high quality hair products for your hair, dont use cheap things from normal stores.

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