How to Avoid, stop Heart Attack?

Now days, we can see that many people are dying by heart attack. If we get more than 40 means, because of some causes we are getting attack in our attack, it will cause for death. So, if you want stop attack means you have to follow some health tips. As per my knowledge, I have list out some heart attack avoiding tipsfor you. Please check out below and live more life my all dears.

Tips to Avoid Heart Attack
I have research about heart attack and add some heart attack tips for you. Surely below tips is useful for avoid heart attack, please read and get knowledge about heart attack and share with your loved ones. Read below some heart attack tips.

Avoid Heart Attack by Smoking
We are getting heart attack mostly because of smoking habit, we already known that smoking cause many disease in our body, main disease are cancer and heart attack.  Chairman Escort Heart Institute is Dr. Ashok Seth, he was explained many thing about heart attack and its causes, he told recently "Stop smoking or consumption of tobacco in any form. Smoking is reducing proper blood circulation in your body which is main reason for cholesterol deposition and damages the inner lining of the blood vessels. Now a days woman are smoking, so women are easily getting this problem, for women on oral contraceptive pills as smoking which are making and blood clotting problems and cause blockages. So, we can say smoking habit is reason for heart attack.

Avoid Heart Attack by Walking and Exercise
We must do exercise daily, because we cannot find health food, healthy environment in this modern world, so we must do exercise daily, otherwise we try to do at least 5 days a week for 40 minutes. If we do exercise daily means, it will really helps to reduce heart ailments by 20%. Dr. Seth gave some heart attack tips for us, that is nothing but, if you cannot do jogging, cycling, playing ball, swimming or daily activities means, you have to do at least brisk 5 kilometer walk every day, it can make you with healthy life. Walking is really good medicine also for healthy heart. Walking helps to get proper blood circulation.

Avoid Heart Attack by Sleeping
In this busy world, we are not ready to sleep properly, and then it is main cause for heart attack. We should get enough sleep. If we sleep properly means it will help to reduce our mental stress and stabilises one's heart rate. Because stress can make some heart circulation problem, so if we avoid stress by sleeping means it can help to avoid heart attack. We are regularly sleeping by busy work, if you follow time management means you can finish it your work as soon as possible, so you can get enough time to sleep, it is suggestion from lots of doctors.

Avoid Heart Attack by Proper Diet
Health foods can provide healthy life for you. We are not taking healthy foods regularly and proper diet means it can helpful for low blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Proper diet is useful for obesity, heart disease and strokes which is explained by Dr. R.R. Kasliwal. You can list out health vegetables and fruits which have all vitamins, minerals, fibres and anti-oxidants and then take it regularly means you cannot get all kind of disease in your body. Fish can help to get some proper minerals, but not only take fish, try to take some proper vegetables regularly with proper diet.

Avoid Heart attack by stop drinking alcohol and consumption
Alcohol is main cause for heart attack and it is increase the blood pressure in your body and cause for heart attack, and strokes. If you take alcohol with minimum amount it is helpful for reduce some disease but if you take huge amount means it gives some disease only, especially heart attack. So try to reduce the alcohol habit, don’t addict for alcohol habit.

Avoid Heart Attack by reducing weight
We should have proper weight which should be equal to our height. If you have lots of fat content in your body means it is the main reason for heart attack which is the metabolic syndrome, it is the main reason for getting of contracting diabetes and waist circumference or the waist – hip ratio. If you are having high waist which is more than your hip then it will make out heart disorders. If you do proper exercise means you can reduce your weight and avoid heart attack, so you do proper diet and exercise.

Diabetes is reason for heart attack – Control diabetes for avoid heart attack
If you are not control your diabetes means then it will cause for heart diseases and also some other ailments. "Blood sugar can make some problem in your blood vessels and cause for deposition of cholesterol in all the arteries of the body, so it will make some health disorder. Blood sugar should have in the range of ideally 70-110 mg/dl.  If you take many more vegetables and fruit means you can control your diabetes
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