Benefits and procedure of organ donation/transplantation

We can read and see organ donation/transplantation in our day to day life. But most of the people are unaware of this organ donation/transplantation. Are you aware of organ donation/transplantation? If no then you should read this article to know the benefits of organ donation/transplantation.  Organ donation/transplantation is a process by which we can provide organs to help others in any emergency. We can donate organs like kidney, liver, lung and uterus when we are alive. We can donate our organs even after our death. When we donate/transplant our organ it can save many people life.

Benefits of organ donation/transplantation

Procedure for organ donation/transplantation
Most of the people are feared to do the organ donation/transplantation. It happens commonly because most of the people think they may die during the organ donation/transplantation or they may think they can face any problem regarding their after organ donation. The above issues are not true. Then how can we donate our organ without any problem? You can get any idea when you read this article completely.

1.       Organ transplantation can give other new life to the people who are in need of it. You can also feel proud when you save a person’s life.
2.       A research says that more than thousands of people including small children are dying because no suitable donors can be found for them. When we donate our organ we can save many people’s life.
3.        The technology is now improved so we can donate our organ to other persons without any fear. After organ donation the donors can return to their normal life after few days.
4.        Organ donation/transplantation increases the thought of social service among the people. It creates awareness among the people so we can save many people’s life.
5.       You can donate one of the pair parts to others when you are alive. The paired parts are kidney, liver, lungs, uterus, intestine and pancreases.
6.       You will be alright when you donate one of your paired organs. The donors should consume more healthy food to maintain your balanced health.
7.       You can register in organ donation/transplantation bank. Your loved one may need your organs tomorrow.

Ø  The first procedure in organ donation/transplantation is you have to register in any hospital or in and organ donation/transplantation bank.
Ø  They check your body conditions such as blood group, blood pressure and weight. They also check whether all parts in your body are functioning well or not by doing body scan. If yes they join you as a member in their group.
Ø  They collect all your information such as photo, address, contact number, etc.
Ø  Whenever they need you in any emergency condition they will make you a call.

Ø  You can donate your organ even after your death. The officials in the centre you have registered will collect your organs.
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