Best Yoga poses to avoid heart problem

Do you have any cardiac problem? If so you do not worry you can get rid of heart problem by yoga. Yoga is a kind of physical activity which will keep your mind and body to be fit. You can avoid your cardiac problem by doing simple yogasanas given in the following article.

You should do yoga to regularly which will keeps yourself to be active and disease free. Yoga is like a shield which will protect your health and your life to extend. If you do yoga in a regular basis you can survive more years with good health.

You can solve any difficult health and mind related problems by yoga. In these days, knowing the importance of yoga many schools and colleges have yoga as a compulsory physical activity and they are allocating particular time during the school hours to do the yoga.
During exam time students are supposed to do yoga to increase their memory power. When you do yoga you can keep you heart to be safe and you can avoid blocking of heart by fat because when you do yoga you can reduce your excess fat present in your body.

Anulom Vilom
Anulom Vilom which is also called as Alternate Nostril Breathing is one of the most important and very effective breathing exercise (pranayama) which will improve your mind and your body to feel fresh. Sit straight in a flat surface or in any peaceful place probably in garden. Close one nostril with a finger and inhale and exhale air through another nostril for 10 minutes. Open the closed nostril and take a deep breath. 
Now close the other nostril and inhale and exhale with another for 10 minutes. This yoga pose keeps your heart beat to be even throughout the day. If you feel you are in stress you can do this yoga so that you can avoid tension.

Kati chakrasana
Kati chakrasana is also called as abdominal twist which is done to improve breathing. Stand straight and place your right palm on your left shoulder and left palm on your right shoulder like hugging yourself. Turn to your right hand shoulder and inhale deep and turn back to centre and exhale then turn back to left hand shoulder and inhale and turn back to centre and exhale. Keep practice this yoga for 10 times a day will keep your breath control very well and keeps your heart to pump blood very well.

Natrajasana is a pose of dancing lord Shiva. This pose will expands your respiratory system and reduce your stress. Bend your left leg which should touch your right thighs and should face towards your hip so that your left foot should face towards your hip. Stay on this pose and take a deep breath for 10 minutes and continue this pose for other leg.

Half lotus pose
Half lotus pose will relieve pain from knees and it will improve your breath and make you comfortable for respiration. Sit in a flat floor. Place your right foot close on your left thighs and your left foot on your right thighs. Both foots should face towards your face. Inhale and exhale air for 20 minutes. This pose will reduce your belly fat.

Suptahasta Padasana
Suptahasta Padasana is a kind of yogasana which helps proper functioning of heart. It also reduces belly fat and reduces the fat in thighs and hips. Lie on the floor so that your back should be on the floor. Expand both the legs. Press your left leg on the floor and raise your right leg while inhaling by placing both the hands at thighs. Drop the right leg while exhaling and continue the process for another leg also.  
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