Best Tips for sedentary employees (Ideally sitting employees)

Office workers have a sedentary way of life; it is dangerous to their physical condition. Mostly the office workers are sitting for long periods of time. It is one of the major problems. Lengthy hours at the office, mainly in front of a computer, do not comprise a physically active workday. We know that the environment of office work is basically sedentary.

            Sedentary workers are flat to being obese, not just because of their inactivity, but also due to the not-so-healthful fare offered at office parties and breakfast meetings. Therefore, the office workers have to consume healthy foods all over the day to avoid unwanted protuberance.  Here we have given best tips for sedentary workers.

Must take breakfast

                         Most of the working people didn't have a time to take breakfast instead of that they drink only coffee or tea. But this little drink is not enough to them until noon. Who eat less breakfast they loss them weight. Healthy breakfast is very important for our energy so never void your breakfast.

Take a walk to work
                          If your working place is nearer to your house, just go by walk. It provides exercise to you and arrives at work feeling more energized. If you go by public transportation to your office. Just getting off one or two stops prior and goes your office by walking the rest of the way.

Take regular little break
                          In between your work pressure take frequent small break. It helps to relax your mind from work tension. Some of researches say try to getting up from your work and moving about every 30 minutes. This is not possible in our office. So whenever you have a time to relax your self don’t wastes it. Keep your mind cool.

Use the steps
                         When you could get a little exercise then why ride in an airless box? So try to avoid lift always use stairs. It is good little exercise to your foot and leg.

 Drink plenty of water
                        By drinking 4-6 glasses a day you can keep yourself hydrated and healthy. Most of the experts recommend this. Early morning take 2 glass of water with empty stomach. It helps to clear dirty in your stomach.

Breath fresh air
                        Most of the offices can often be close and under-circulated air. If possible, you can open a window near your desk for a few minutes. If you need to get relax just come outside the building.

Take a healthy lunch and also snacks from home
                        Don’t consume food in the hotels. Make a healthy lunch at home bring it to your office and sit outside of office when eating it. It gives some changes in your mind. In between your working time include some snacks like fruits and nuts and snack.

Always think ergonomically
                        Even sitting posture is also very important when you start to work. That is adjusting your chair to fit well your body and sit with your feet flat on the floor. Position of your computer monitor is straight at your eye level and keyboard is at your elbow level.
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