How to improve blood production in your body?

Do you want to improve your blood production in your body? Here are some tips to improve your blood production in your body. Blood is a fluid which flows inside our body. Each and every parts in our body function normally with the help of proper blood circulation. If the blood content in our body is decreased then it results in low blood pressure. The blood content in our body should be in normal range. The blood content is determined by the amount of blood platelet present in our blood. The normal platelet level ranges from 150,000 to 450,000 units per cubic millimeter of blood.

Tips to improve blood production in your body
To improve the blood production in your body there are many ways to improve blood contents. Some of the ways are to take capsules, injections etc. But you can improve your blood content without medicines. Do you think how it can be possible? Yes it is possible when you follow the tips given below

1.       Balanced nutrition intake will improve the blood production in your body. Nutritious food includes fresh fruits, vegetables, dark green leaves, dates, fish, meat, egg, milk etc. Consumption of fruits such as apple, pomegranate, blue berries, black grapes, etc regularly will improve blood production in your body within few days.
2.       Smoking and alcohol consumption is reduced to improve blood production. The alcohol reduces the production of new blood cells. It damages multiplication process of blood cells and it reduces the blood production in your body.
3.       Consumption of omega-3 rich products such as solmon, and other oils in cooking will improve blood production.
4.       Drink liquid foods such as beet root juice, carrot juice, pomegranate juice, neem juice with honey, Papaya juice, etc.
5.       By making exercise such as swimming and cycling you can improve your blood circulation. When blood circulation is improved then blood contents can also be improved.
6.       By performing yogasana such as pranayam helps you to improve blood contents in your body.
7.       To purify your blood you can eat few pomegranate leaves daily. It improves your blood level and regulates your circulatory system.
8.       Avoid consumption of oily foods such as deep fries which will increase fat content in your blood. Fat is a dangerous substance which may put a full stop to your lifetime. Fat in your blood reduce the speed of blood flow so there is a chance for cardiac disease.
9.       Drink more amount of water will improves blood content in your body. Water regulates the circulatory system and improves digestion. Everyone should drink more than 2 litres of water daily.
10.    Consumption of protein, vitamin, calcium and mineral rich food products helps to improve production of blood cells. Blood cells are developed in bone marrow and joints in our body.

11.   Iron is very important source to improve your blood level. When iron content in your body is reduced then it leads to hormone deficiency. When iron is reduced in blood it creates many problem such as abnormal menses, less memory power and miscarriage, etc  
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