Top 10 Benefits of Drinking Water

Do you want to know about the Benefits of Drinking Water? I have written some points about benefits of drinking water. Everyone should drink 2 liters of water per day. Water is your body’s chemical component and it makes up regarding 60 percent of your body weight.
1.     One of the benefits of drinking water is to lose your weight. Drinking plenty of water prevents the fluid maintenance. When you drink more amount of water, secretion of fluids responsible for digestion, absorption increases. Everyone should drink 1 litre of water per 20 kg of ideal weight(i.e. if the ideal weight is 60 kg then the amount of water to be consumed is 3 litres) 

Drinking a healthy amount of water is essential to your physical condition. The Human body consumes water from 55% to 78%. From rule of thumb, 2/3 of body is consists of water. In human body muscle consists of 75% water, Brain consists of 90% of water Bone consists of 22% of water and Blood consists of 83% of water. I have given top ten benefits of drinking water below.

Top ten Benefits of Drinking Water

2.     Brain functionsnormally when it consists of enough amount of water. Brain is interfaced with kidney. Brain gives suggestion to kidney to consume required amount of water. So when there is no enough water supplied to the brain it stops all its function.

3.     Drinking more water daily canhelps us to maintain our body in a perfect shape. It makes our skin to glow bright and shine. Water protects our skin from getting dry.

4.      When more amount of water is consumed it removes all dead cells present in our body. It helps us to remove waste products present in blood and inside the layer of skin and toxins present inside the body in the form of sweat.

5.     When more amount of water is consumed it avoids kidney problems such as stone formation in kidney, kidney failure, urinary infection, etc.

6.     Drinking more amount of water will reduce high body temperature. It maintains the body temperature to be normal. Whenever body temperature increases there is a chance for loss of water level in our body in the form of sweat. So we should fill our body with water each and every time when water level decreases.

7.     When our body is not containing enough water then we can be affected by muscular diseases. Water makes the bones and joints to be strong and it also supports normal functioning of nerves.

8.     When headache and stomach pain increases we have to drink some little amount of water. It will suddenly reduce the above pains.

9.      Pregnant ladies should drink 2 to 3 liters of water which helps the baby for comfortable breathing. It also reduces risk during delivery time.

10.   Drinking a healthy amount of water can reduce chance of cancer. It dilutes factors present in urine which is responsible for cancer can be removed in the form of urine or sweat. When water level in our body decreases then the heart struggles to pump out blood and give it to all circulatory systems.
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