How to Prevent from Dengue Fever?

Do you want to know that How to Prevent Dengue Fever? Dengue Fever also identified as Break bone Fever. It is a contagious tropical disease caused by the Dengue virus. Symptoms for Dengue Fever include fever, headache, muscle and joint pains. Dengue fever can be commonly found in urban parts of subtropical and tropical areas such as Central and South America, parts of Africa, parts of Asia, the Caribbean and the Pacific.

Dengue has emerged as a worldwide problem since 1950. Dengue is the serious disease which is caused when the Aedes Aegypti mosquito bites in our body. Dengue fever is very dangerous fever its increases for weeks and then weakens your body step by step. The children who are below the age of 10 years they will affect by the functioning of circulatory system during the dengue fever. 
The mortality rate lies in between 6 to 30% and it is found that most of the death occurred in the patients due to dengue fever. At present there are no vaccines for Dengue fever. The best way to prevent the dengue fever is avoid bitten by mosquitoes. However the affected person is treated with Paracetamol to take down the fever.  The people living in rural areas have a higher effect of dengue virus than city side.

Steps to prevent Dengue Fever
1. Try to stay away from contact with the mosquitoes by using repellents which is useful to prevent from mosquitoes.

2. Try to construct the pits and holes of house get covered because it can create your house for reproduction of mosquitoes at your work place and area.

3. Prevent the entry of mosquitoes in water container or tank with the use of mosquito nets. You can also use mosquitoes repellent must be in the form of sprays, mats and creams. General hygiene and cleanliness should be maintained to avoid germs, bacteria and also entry of mosquitoes.

4. Do not keep your water container in open position. You must cover it with lid to prevent from Dengue Fever.

5. Stay your doors closed and screened windows because it can be the way for entering of mosquitoes.

6. Try to put on the clothes which make you to prevent from the mosquito’s bites like long sleeved shirts, pants, socks and shoes.

7. Try to use of mosquitoes net around your bed to prevent you from the mosquito’s bites.

8. To prevent from the eggs of mosquito Aedes, The water container or tank should be clean up.

9. Cover the head of the tank to avoid entrée of breeding of mosquitoes. Some fish you know for eating larva of mosquitoes like gambusia and lebister.

10. Eliminate reproduction of mosquitoes by avoiding unused plastic pools, old tires, or buckets and clearing clogged gutters.

11.  Most efficient way to prevent you from mosquito’s bite and to reduce the growth of mosquitoes around your house or neighborhoods you must keep it clean.

12. The female Aedes bite you during the early morning time and the hours before the darkling. So during this time you must take special precautions to prevent you from Dengue Fever.
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