How to avoid and prevent from bipolar disorder?

Are you aware of bipolar disorder? Most of us do not know much about this type of disorder. Here I have given the meaning of bipolar disorder and some tips to avoid bipolar disorder. The bipolar disorder is a type of mental health disease which occurs in children, teens and adults due to anxiety, low depression and high emotions.

The bipolar disorder is also called as manic disorder. It can be solved by medicines or by taking psychotherapy. The people who are affected by bipolar disorder should need two things one is peace and other is good sleep. Bipolar disorder people may behave like memory less patients. They always seem to be in confused state and they have more difficulty in work, reading and their duties. The people who are affected by bipolar disorder do not know the situation really happening. They get over emotion for small things. When the bipolar disorder is due to genetic abnormalities, it is difficult to cure it. But the bipolar disorder is due to depression we can reduce the effect of this disorder by the following tips.

Basically, you can find the bipolar disease by using some symptoms. The people affected by bipolar disorder have the following symptoms.

Symptoms of bipolar disorder
·         Thoughts of suicide and fear of dying
·         Tiredness
·         Slow speech
·         feelings of guilt
·         loneliness
·         Sadness
·         Helplessness
·         Depressed mood and low confidence level
·         Over emotion
·         Lack of interest
·         poor concentration and less memory power
·         Low energy levels
·         Over eating and over sleeping
·         Lack of physical and mental strength

Tips to avoid bipolar disorder
  1. ·         Avoid the consumption of foods such as saturated fat, cheese, butter, oil foods, red meat, carbohydrate, sugary substance etc. You should consume balanced nutritional diet such as fresh fruits, vegetables, dark leaves, whole grains, chicken, and fishes such as Mackerel, Salmon, Trout, eggs, nuts and beans. If you are a vegetarian you can consume omega-3 tablets instead of fish.
  2. ·         You should do exercise regularly to maintain your ideal weight. You should do meditation and yoga to convert your mind in peace. Make your mind set to be always in peace. You can read books, listen to mild music, chat with friends.
  3. ·         Maintain good sleep every night for at least 8 hours. It will reduce the stress, emotion produced during work. Increase your skills to manage stress, depression and emotion in your daily life.
  4. ·         Sometimes, you are feeling normal when you are not taking the medicines but do not stop your medicines until your doctor prescribe any other way rather than taking medicine.
  5. ·         Bipolar disorder is reduced with the help of medicines for calm down your tension. If the mood does not fully control the symptoms, other medicines may be added to reduce the depression.
  6. ·         Psychotherapy is recommended for the people who are affected by bipolar disorder which is responsible to reduce the depression and emotions, when medicine fails to reduce depression.
  7. ·         Individual counsel is arranged for the person who is affected by bipolar disorder and he/she is allowed to take advice from a therapist to reduce their depression.
  8. ·         Family counsel is arranged for the whole family of a bipolar affected person. The family members are advised to take care of the bipolar disorder person.
  9. ·         Group counsel is arranged for a particular time in a particular place. It’s like a small course and lessons are taken based on the common problems of bipolar disorder people.

Own Suggestion for bipolar disease
You must make your mind to be in peace. You should keep your mind to be open and you can share your feeling to your dear ones which can reduce your depression. Avoid the thoughts of suicide or any other wrong decision. Suicide do not put full stop for any problem. Be alive and improve your mind to face any problem. Life is a beautiful gift given only once by god do not lost it for some silly reasons. All problems in life are having solution, so you must keep this in mind.
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