Benefits, usage of coconut oil – Hair loss tips

Are you searching benefits of coconut oil? Here I have given the benefits of coconut oil, which gives more benefits to hair and skin. This oil is suitable for all types of hair such as shining hair, softening hair. It helps to preserve the hair's natural proteins from hair damage. It is used to remove dandruff from your hair.

              It is more suitable for all types of skin such as dry skin, older skin. It is one of the best moisturizer for skin. It helps to removing the wrinkles from skin. It also helps other type of skin conditions like psoriasis and dermatitis. It contains the lauric acid, which has two properties that is anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties.

Usage of coconut oil for Hair

                         Always use coconut oil directly into your scalp. During summer season you should use only less amount of oil to your hair. Then gently give massage from top of hair to end of hair roots.
 After applying coconut oil on your hair just leave it for about more than 30 minutes. If it is comfortable, you should soak for long time. Then take head bath. It gives best result for your hair. So try to do this process at least three times a week.
If you want deep oil saturation to your scalp, you should apply oil straightly on your scalp, then do massage from roots to ends before you go to sleep. Now cover your head with a cap it helps to avoid oil stay on your pillow. Then leave it up to next day morning. Wash off your hair with good shampoo and rinse well in the morning.

Usage of coconut oil for Skin

                        Before bathing, apply oil like thin layer over your body skin. Thin layer of oil is good for your body compare to very thick layer of oil. The main reason is that more oil can absorbs by the skin but if you apply thin layer of oil that which absorbs only little amount of oil sometimes it can dry out quickly. While taking bath pour some drops of oil into the bath water. It used to stay moisture for long time.
Coconut oil is best oil for massaging. When you massage with coconut oil, which odor is leave on your body it helps to remove bad smell from your body. You can apply oil at any time but apply properly. Some people have body pain after they finish some work so those people can take oil massaging that which is used to get immediate relief from strain and stress.                                

 Usage of coconut oil for consuming
                        Add coconut oil into your food preparation. If we intake coconut oil which gives more benefits internally. It helps to glow our skin and hair. Some people would like to use coconut oil for cooking there is no doubt it is a healthy nutritional enhancement that used to improves hair and skin health.
 At the same time some doctors give warning don’t take too much of saturated fat foods. The main reason is that it has more calories so you have to take only small amount of coconut oil related foods. Include coconut oil foods only twice or thrice in a week. Some people didn’t like that smell coconut while they consuming oil foods they can add some ingredient in their food. It helps to eat with happily.

Tips for how to apply coconut oil
                        Small amount of oil is enough and it goes for long time. But remember one thing too much of oil is not good for your head. Suppose if you use large amount of oil it leads your hair like greasy and stringy.
Don’t soak your hair with oil for long time. Just leave it for about one hour or two hours. If you leave your oily hair more than two days it gives only bad smell. All kind of coconut oil is good for your hair. If you like soft silky hair use extra virgin.
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