How to prevent, save, protect from malaria?

Do you have tiredness, fever, vomiting, headache and jaundice? Be careful it may results in malaria. A blood test is taken to know the existence of malaria. If the result is positive, then there is nothing to worry you can cure malaria by taking medicines? You should read the preventive measures given below to reduce further increase of this malaria disease.

The Malariaa fever caused by a parasite called plasmodium. The plasmodium is injected into our blood by female anopheles mosquito. It causes fever, headache, even death can occur. The plasmodium is developed in the intestinal path and salivary glands of mosquito. When it bites any person the plasmodium is transferred from the mosquito into the human blood and the person is now affected by malaria. Malaria can also occur when there is a blood transfusion from malaria affected person to unaffected person and also by injecting already used infected needle. Malaria fever attack starts when the body temperature rises above 40◦ C and the temperature falls after a long period of time. When the red blood cell consists of plasmodium parasite it burst at a stage and spread the parasites throughout the blood then it causes malaria. Malaria is one of the leading causes of disease and death in the world. Around 300 to 500 million new cases are seen because of malaria every year and the death rate is 1.5 to 2.7 million worldwide.

Tips to prevent from malaria
·         We can prevent malaria by keeping our environment to be clean. We should keep our surroundings to be dry. Cover the vessel consisting of drinking water to avoid mosquito breeding.
·         The anopheles mosquito usually breeds in hot weather. So maintain your environment to be wet but not watery.
·         We can prevent malaria by applying mosquito repellent cream on your skin in the evening. The mosquito repellent cream does not harm your skin.
·          We can prevent malaria with the help of mosquito net. While sleeping you should cover your bed with mosquito net. It prevents the mosquito to enter into your bed. The can mosquito laid eggs under the bed and it can hatch it after some days.
·         Make sure any drainage located in your surrounding is closed. Mosquito breeds mainly in drainage water and unclean water.
·         You can prevent malaria with the help of medicines. You can consume anti-malaria drugs when you are in mosquito prevalent areas.
·         Avoid consumption of foods in unclean places and hotels. Reduce spicy and oily food.
·         You should boil the drinking water to avoid malaria.
·         You should wear long full sleeved dress which prevents you from mosquito bite.
·         Malaria can stay within a person for more than 30 years and it can make the person’s body to be worth less. So whenever you have fever you should make a blood test to check the existence of malaria.
·         You can use insect or mosquito repellent spray for your room to avoid the entry of mosquito.
·         You should improve your immunity level to prevent disease before it occurs. We have to keep this proverb in mind” prevention is better than cure”.

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