How to protect your teeth from stains?

Are you searching to protect your teeth from stains? Stains are one of the common problems to both men and women. Mostly the beauty of girls is affected by teeth stains during their marriage. The brown and yellow stains on your teeth can damage the best of smiles.

Using tobacco and its product like khaini, gutka, supari etc is one of the causes of staining teeth in the Indian population. Medicines like iron tablets, antihistamines or excessive use of Chlorhexidine mouthwash can lead your tooth to stains. 
The habit of grinding teeth can lead to the abrasion of the edges of the teeth, thus making them appearance of yellow or brown color on your tooth.  If the tooth of a child is hit, it could lead to haemorrhaging of the blood vessels inside the tooth. Then it can lead to cracks on teeth and finally stains will appear.
 Apart from this, tooth decay also leads to black stains on your teeth. Improper and irregular brushing can lead to accumulation of plaque and calculus (tartar) on your teeth, then it leads to appear of yellow color on your tooth. Smoking remains one of the most common and avoidable cause of staining teeth. I have given some points to protect your teeth from stains.

Steps to protect your teeth from stains

1. Brush
Most of the people brushing twice a day is part of their normal routine. To keep stains from forming on your teeth, remember to brush after consuming dark food and drinks like blueberries and coffee.

2. Tomato Sauce
Just like balsamic vinegar and soy sauce, tomato sauce is highly acidic. It is attaches to your teeth and causes unsightly stains. You can protect your teeth by eating a spinach salad before you eating pizza or pasta. Like lettuce, spinach forms a protective layer over your teeth.

3. Blueberries
This delectable summer fruit is packed with nutrients and antioxidants, which helps to make your teeth strong. But the deep berry blue color can cause deep staining on your teeth. So you must wash your mouth thoroughly with water after you eating blueberries.

4. Use a straw
Cranberry juice and other dark colored fruit juices contain pigments that can cause your teeth yellow. In addition, the high amount of sugar in cranberry juice it is not good for your teeth. You must drink light colored fruit juices. If you must take cranberry juice, drink it through a straw afterwards rinse your mouth with water.

5. Red Wine
The red wine is packed with polyphenols that helps to prevent periodontal diseases because which damage the gums and bone around your teeth. Red wine also causes tooth staining because which is packed with polyphenols. In addition, the alcohol content is very acidic and its removes your tooth enamel. While you shouldn't brush your teeth immediately after drinking red wine since it can rub your tooth enamel, and wash your tooth thoroughly with water.

6. Food and beverages
Drinks like tea, coffee, colas, red wine and some darkly colored fruits and vegetables are also responsible for causing stains on your teeth. Even some forms of acidic food products like energy drinks or citrus foods can lead to wearing away of the enamel. Due to this, the yellow colored dentin more visible on your tooth.
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