How to avoid brain cancer/tumor?

Are you searching for tips to avoid brain cancer/tumour? Here I have given some tips to avoid brain cancer/tumour. Cancer/tumour cells are caused by uncontrolled growth of cells. The cells then form like a cyst and stay in the brain. Those tumour cells can spread over the brain. The cyst grows gradually it affects the brain and reduce the immunity power. The cancer cells can enter into the brain from different places of the body.

When brain cancer occurs it makes all the system to work in an abnormal condition. The nervous system function will be limited to a range, so that all the parts of the body will stops it works. The common treatments of brain tumour are radiation therapy, chemotherapy and surgery which can be used to reduce the brain tumour. You can follow radiation therapy and chemotherapy. But in both the cases the tumour cells are not removed completely there may be a chance for further growth of tumour cells. When you make surgery the tumour cells are removed from the roots. Read the following tips to avoid brain tumour.

Tips to avoid brain tumour
1.       The initial stage of brain cancer is memory loss. The people who have brain tumour may have pain in the head. They do not know anything. Some brain tumours may cause serious illness. Those tumours can cause the people to dead.
2.       You should avoid smoking. Smoking is the most dangerous factor responsible for spreading of cancer. Smoking in front of public people should be avoided so that those people including small children can be prevented from cancer. Smoking should be banned in public places to avoid cancer. The cough during smoking will affects the brain.
3.       Excessive drinking of alcohol increase prospect of cancer. Alcohol consumption affects the intestine initially, and then continuous intake of alcohol damage liver and lungs. Alcohol becomes slow poison when it exceeds its limit. The alcohol consumption affects the brain so that it makes the tongue to twist.
4.       Balanced nutritional diet makes your body to gain energy. You should consume fresh vegetables, fruits, fish, meat, dark green leaves very much to improve your immunity level. Consumption of garlic helps to reject the cancer cells to enter into the body.
5.       You should take care of your brain. You should be away from radiation such as chemical industry, atomic power plants, and nuclear reactor industry.
6.       Some research says that the radiation from mobile phone affects the brain. So keep your mobile phone far away from your brain. You can use your head phones while you are using your mobile phone in the left side ear.
7.       You should keep your scalp to be clean. You should not allow your scalp to stay wet. Because water particles in the scalp may enter into the brain to form water tumours. It may lead to death. You should wash your hair with hot water and you should drain your hair in the direct sun light.
8.       You should do exercise and yoga to make your mind to be in peace. Meditation helps your mind to feel free.
9.       If you have any pain in head or in spinal cord consult your doctor and make a CT scan. You can remove the tumour by surgery.
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