How to avoid blood cancer?

Are you searching for tips to avoid blood cancer? Here I have given some tips to avoid blood cancer. Canceris a killer disease which is formed by uncontrolled growth of cells present inside the body. The cancer cells may occur in any parts of the body. Some of the cancer diseases are lungs cancer, liver cancer, stomach cancer, mouth cancer, breast cancer and blood cancer, etc. In this article I have explained about blood cancer and some tips to avoid blood cancer.

Blood cancer occurs when the blood cells lost its control. The cells divide and grow vigorously and it spread all over the body. Blood cancer makes the blood cells to become shrinking and its quality gets reduced day by day. The cancer cells affect the bone marrow and the circulatory system. Bone marrows are responsible for the production of blood inside our body. Read the following tips to avoid blood cancer.

Read here to know about some symptoms of blood cancer
1.     1.  Extreme fatigue.
2.       Loss of weight and appetite3.       Fever4.       Sudden sweating during night time5.       Coughing6.       Itching and vomiting7.       Back pain8.       Breath shortness9.       Chest pain10.   Kidney problems
·         You should consume pomegranate, black grapes and apples which are responsible for purification of your blood as well as it improve your blood level. Pepper and garlic removes all the impurities present in your blood. You should reduce the consumption of red meat and sugary substances.
·         You should avoid the consumption of junk food such as burger, pizza, meat roll, oily foods.
·         You can avoid blood cancer with the help of herbs. Herbs such as Garcinia Mangostan and xanothenes are used to reduce leukaemia. These herbs are grind-ed as a liquid and consumed with little drops of pure honey.

Tips to avoid blood cancer
Natural treatment
·         Balanced nutritional diet plays an important role to reduce the growth of cancer cell. You should consume dark green leaves, fruits, vegetables, milk, chicken etc. More consumption of garlic and pepper in daily life will keeps you far away from any type of cancer cell.

Avoid Smoking and alcohol
·         You should avoid smoking which will reduce your percentage risk of cancer into half. You should not smoke in public place. It will affect the public even the small children. The smoke from cigarettes enters into your respiratory system and makes the nerves in the respiratory system to contract.

·         You should avoid consumption of alcohol and usage of tobacco. The alcohol affects your lungs and liver. It is also responsible for mouth cancer. The nerves present in your brain may be affected by consumption of alcohol.

·         When you quit smoking and consumption of alcohol there is no chance for the growth of cancer cell.

Exercise and yoga
·         You should do exercise at least 20 minutes a day make you to stay away from any kind of diseases. You should do exercises like skipping, jogging, and pull-ups to burn your calories.
·         You should prefer yoga such as deep breathe, asana’s to keep your body to be fit.
Health check up
·         The people who are having the above symptoms must take a blood test for the presence of cancer cells. If the test result is positive then you can reduce risk to half by doing radiation therapy.
   You should consult your doctor for further procedure and take regular check up. You can purify your blood by medicines and surgery.
    You should be very careful while taking injections and medicines. Make sure that the needle which is injecting for you is new or not. Do not allow any body to inject already used needles, because as this blood cancer is a spreading disease it spread through blood.
     In these days, medical field is very much improved. There is a medicine injected into your body, it will stay inside your body and removes the cancer cells from it root nodes. So there is no need for operation.

Avoid pollution
·         You should avoid pollution to reduce further spreading of the disease.
·         You should maintain a distance when you are subjected to any radiation.
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