How to reduce belly fat?

Are you searching for the tips to reduce belly fat? Here I have given some tips to reduce belly fat. Belly means your stomach becomes bulgy due to excess fat. Some people like to wear modern dresses like jean, tea-shirt, saree but they are not able to wear those dresses due to their fat appearance. You can follow below tips to reduce your belly fat within one month, and then you can wear all types of modern dress.

The formation of excess fat in the stomach is due to your uncontrolled food habit, long time sleep, Irregular exercise, stress etc. You can reduce belly fatwhen you follow healthy diet and with some exercise. It leads to obesity and sometime it leads to cardiac attack. A research says that lakhs of people per year are dying due to excess body fat. To reduce your belly fat you can follow the tips given below.

Tips to reduce belly fat
1.       You should make exercise for 30 minutes which will burn 500 calories per day. When you reduce calories from your body then the fat is also reduced automatically.
2.       You should make exercise like pull-ups, skipping with rope, swimming and cycling which burns your calories in a fast manner.
3.       Consumption of balanced nutritional foods helps you to reduce your body fat. You should avoid oil foods, fries, red meat, cheese, butter, ice cream and fruits such as banana and mango. Avoid consumption of more spices and salt in your food.
4.       You should consume fresh fruits, vegetables, omega-3 rich products, beans, nuts, broccoli, pepper, proteins, minerals, less carbohydrates, chicken, low fat milk and garlic.
5.       Less consumption of beetroot and carrot will definitely reduce your belly fat. Beetroot increases obesity and carrot makes your weight to be ideal. You should consume less sweet and sugar substance which will reduce your belly to become flat.
6.       You should drink more water which removes impurities from your body. You can reduce your belly fat by drinking hot water with empty stomach in the morning before making exercise.
7.       You should make a schedule for your food and food timing. Avoid long gaps between meals. You should consume wheat food in the night time will reduce the calories in your body.
8.       You can consume light meals with fruit and vegetable salad, fresh juice, dark leaves and whole grains.
9.       Drink hot water with few drops of lemon juice with along with few drops of honey in empty stomach will reduce your weight soon.
10.   You should not consume rice foods in the evening. It can increase your obesity level. It makes the fat to stay in the abdomen. These fats are thick in nature and do not melt easily. When you consume wheat it slowly melts the thick fat and makes your belly to be flat.
11.   Avoid consumption of drinks such as beer and alcohol. Consumption of alcohol produces excess fat in your body. The fat stays in the stomach and bulges day by day to form fat in belly. 
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