Tips to avoid lung cancer?

Do you want tips to avoid lung cancer? Here I have given some tips to avoid lung cancer. Initially you must know about the lung cancer. Lung cancer is a killer disease which is caused by the uncontrolled growth of cells in the lungs. The cancer cells can grow, divide and form like a tumour or like a cyst. These cysts can weaken the lungs to supply oxygen to our body. The lung cancer may result in heart attack. The cancer cells not only affect the path where it occurred but also it spread throughout the body. You should take prescribed treatment to reduce the cancer cell and to avoid its further growth.

According to WHO (World Health Organisation) the death rate may exceed more than 8 million in the upcoming year only because of cancer. Cancer has 13% of death rate. On hearing this news we may also included in that list in future. The symptoms of lung cancer are blood vomiting, blood in nose while sneezing, chest pain and back pain. The effects of this lung cancer cannot be determined in the early stage but if you do not take any treatment to cure this cancer it stays in your body for a long time and kills slowly. The only way to reduce this death rate is to keep all the following tips in your mind.

Tips to avoid lung cancer

Ø  The initial step to avoid cancer is to avoid smoking. Smoking cigarettes will struggle the lungs to supply oxygen to your body. When the oxygen supply is not regular it makes our respiratory system to work slower. In that time, we can feel wheezing and our heart pumps very less blood to our body.

Ø  Avoid more consumption of alcohol. Alcohol slowly burns our digestive system and it affects the brain. Alcohol erodes the lungs day by day and it then slowly affects the liver, pancreases and intestine.

Ø  You should maintain healthy diet which can reduce the chance for lung cancer. Fresh vegetables, fruits, fish, dark green leaves, milk, vegetable oil, pepper, broccoli, grains are consumed to reduce the effects of cancer and also to avoid the formation of cancer cells. Less consumption of salt, spice and red meat reduces the risk of lung cancer.

Ø  You can avoid cancer by making regular exercise. Exercise makes your body to keep fit and it also improves your immunity level. You should exercise at least 20 minutes a day will improve your body strength to fight against any disease.

Ø  You can avoid it by doing yoga. Yoga such as deep breathing yogasanam called pranayam makes your lungs to supply more oxygen. While performing this yogasanam you can inhale and exhale fresh air. It makes your lungs supply oxygen to blood and other parts of the body.

Ø  You can reduce the effects of lung cancer by medicines. If the cancer is serious then you can do some therapies like radiation, chemotherapy, gene therapy etc.

Ø  You can avoid cancer by taking anti-angiogenesis which is a monoclonal anti-body which is mixed with the blood and stops the growth of cancer cells. These anti-bodies can stay in blood and attack the cancer cells. This treatment is called immunotherapy because the therapy uses the body's natural immune system responses.

Ø  You should drink more than 2 litres of water which will flush out the dead cells from your body. The water makes your digestive system to function well and it improves the digestive system power to fight against infections and cancer cells.

Ø  You should go for a cancer screening test if you have any lung cancer symptoms which are listed above. The screening test shows the depth of your cancer cells and it suggests the best treatment to reduce the cancer.  
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