Tips to avoid breast cancer?

Are you searching for tips to avoid breast cancer? Here I have given some tips to avoid breast cancer. Cancer is a disease caused due to uncontrolled growth of cells. Cancer can be classified based on type of cell affected gradually.

Damaged cells commonly called as cancer cells form like a cyst. These cancer cells then grow and stay in a place commonly called as mouth cancer, skin cancer, breast cancer, liver cancer, uterus cancer, lung cancer, blood cancer etc. This article explains the formation of breast cancer and tips to avoid breast cancer.

In these days, breast cancer is the 3rd most dangerous silent killer disease. It may cause even death. It is a spreading disease. A research says that one in every eight women would run the risk of developing the disease in her lifetime. Breast cancer usually occurs for breast feeding mothers and women, who have crossed the age of 30 years. It affects mostly women who met their post menopause cycle. The symptoms of breast cancer are chest pain, formation of small cyst in breast, pain in abdomen, heavy pain during periods, and heavy bleeding. You can avoid breast cancer by balanced diet. You can cure the cancer by medicines. If not then you should consult your doctor to remove the cyst. You can avoid breast cancer in the initial stage by the following tips. At the end of this article I hope you will create awareness among people to reduce breast cancer.
Tips to avoid breast cancer
1.       Balanced nutritional diet avoids any kind of disease from its root. Nutritional diet in the sense more consumption of fresh fruits, vegetables and dark green leaves. More consumption of foods such as garlic, pomegranate, fish, chicken, broccoli, milk, pepper and omega-3 fatty acid avoids the formation of cancer cells.
2.       By doing regular exercise we can avoid breast cancer. Exercise and yoga can increase your immunity power. Meditation makes your mind to feel free.
3.       You should maintain your body weight with respect to your ideal height. If you feel you are fat then you should reduce your weight to avoid formation of fat in your body.
4.       You should do 30 minutes of walk every day to avoid the breast cancer. It is a protective shield to avoid the formation of cancer cells.
5.       Drink at least 2 litres of water every day to avoid the formation of cancer cells. Water can flush out all the impurities present in your body and it regulates the blood circulation in your body.
6.       Avoid the consumption of alcohol and avoid smoking. If you are breast feeding mother the consumption of alcohol and smoking affects your child’s respiratory system. The cancer cells spread to your child through your saliva.
7.       Avoid using of hormone tablets or vaccines if you are in post menopause period. Consult the doctor before consuming hormone vaccines.
8.       The breast feeding mother should feed their babies as long as possible which will reduce the risk of breast cancer even in your future. When you not feed your babies you may feel pain in your breast and it will improve the chance for breast cancer.
9.       Women who have passed their post menopause period will make regular check up once in a month. It the cyst cause any serious ill then consult your doctor and do not prescribe own medicine.
10.   Women who have passed 30 years of age should check yourself with any changes in your breast. If there is any change in your breast size or if any formation of cyst you should consult the doctor for further procedure. Do not feel shy for any thing. Do not take medicine of your own.
·         The person whom reading this article should create awareness among the people, neighbour, friends and relatives about the serious effects of this killer disease. You can save many women from this disease. 
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